
Poem: Wanderer

horse sunset

Poem: Wanderer by Octavian GogaTranslated by Anne-Marie Cries a blackbird in the forestAt the Dealu-Mare crossroads…Slowly approaches the hillA young man riding a horse…Down, in an enamelled sunset,Shines the mighty village church roof;Neighs the restless horse and risesTo his home he wants to go…On horseback sits the knight,He is looking to the house,With his sleeve […]

Poem: Do You Remember?

Image of Lake

Poem: Do You Remember? Do You Remember?by Ying Liu Do you remember?When we were children,We made an agreement:I would write a book of poetry,You are my first reader…But my youth has passed,And my face is wrinkled,I have not written it.Nowadays,My life has become a book ,Never read and covered with dust,In a strange city,With no […]

Poem: The Emigrants’ Train

heart shaped tree in field

Poem: The Emigrants’ Train Il treno degli emigrantiGianni RodariWritten by Marua Non è grossa, non è pesantela valigia dell’emigrante…C’è un po’ di terra del mio villaggio,per non restar solo in viaggio…un vestito, un pane, un fruttoe questo è tutto.Ma il cuore no, non l’ho portato:nella valigia non c’è entrato.Troppa pena aveva a partire,oltre il mare […]

Poetry Introduction

open book in library

Poetry Introduction PROJECT “POETRY” – MISSION POSSIBLE …”you have to understandthat no one puts their children in a boatunless the water is safer than the land”…(Poem – Extract from Home) said the sorrowful British-Somalian author Warsan Shire, speaking about the tragedy of migration. Unfortunately, this phenomenon travels through time, space and people, with the same […]