
Student Celebration Day 2017

people attending the student celebration 2017 event

Student Celebration Day 2017 On Wednesday 19th July we hosted another fantastic student celebration day event. The day started off with a series of workshops held by ELATT staff and our amazing volunteers from Lloyds Bank who kindly hosted two workshops; cyber security and mobile savviness. Crowdskills also hosted a workshop in entrepreneulism which interested […]

Student Celebration Day 2016

student celebration day food distribution table

Student Celebration Day 2016 On Wednesday 14th December we hosted the end of term student celebration day. Everyone had a great day and left feeling positive and inspired. The day started off with a series of workshops held by Lloyds Bank who volunteered their time to share their knowledge with us as part of their […]

World Religion Day

world map

World Religion Day 17th January 2016World Religion Day is on the third Sunday in January each year. World Religion Day’s purpose is to promote that the world’s religions are harmonious and play a role in unifying humanity. In my opinion: for so many religions the principles and the rules are similar. They tell people to […]

Winter Party

bowl of fruit

Winter Party On 9th December, ELATT’s Women Empowerment group did a good job organizing a winter party for students and teachers. We all enjoyed Asian food, music from different cultures and poems translated into English on display. Some of us danced to Indian and Kurdish music and everybody talked to each other and laughed together. […]