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protest against esol cuts

Fighting against ESOL cuts

In London on 14th October in front of the Houses of Parliament, lots of people protested against the government cuts to ESOL funding. The ESOL learners came together to show that they needed their funds back. These people were from different areas of London, different colleges and schools. The students were supported by teachers.

ELATT students from ESOL Entry 1 and Entry 2 led by Phoebe and Yvonne wrote their demands on placards to show them to the media, other people and the government. In the video, they interview each other, talk about ESOL’s benefits and chant “NO ESOL, NO VOICE!”

ESOL is very good for people living in the UK. If you speak better English, you’ll feel more comfortable. ESOL not only gives a better life for students, it also gives jobs for ESOL teachers. People come to London for many reasons, and they need to learn English to find a job, to be a part of the community and to be alive. Education should be affordable for everyone not only for people who can pay.

Written by ELATT’s Learning Champions
Photo taken by Alix Robertson for FE Week (link to FE Week article)