screenshot of large group video call

ELATT celebrates students with international transformation coach and TedX speaker Lena Kay

On 14th July 2021 over 200 ELATT students, staff, funders and volunteers joined the annual Student Celebration event focussed this year on ‘Reaching your goals’, held online for the second year. The event kicked off with the highlights from each department, including many students moving on to volunteering, paid work or further education and almost 150 devices provided to students to bridge the digital divide, including 90 laptops, 23 tablets, 23 smartphones and 10 Wi-Fi boxes.

Next, attendees broke into groups to discuss their goals and where they hope in be in 5 years’ time. After reflecting on this, Lena Kay, international transformation coach, shared her story from being a child refugee from Kurdistan, growing up in London, excelling in management before having a breakdown and reaching rock bottom. She transformed her life and got off medication and benefits, now living in the USA and empowering others. To get a feel of the talk and her tips, you can find her Tedx Talk here.

Following Lena’s inspiring talk, attendees were treated to the premiere of a film showcasing Sixth Form’s recent Community Action Anti-Homelessness Project, produced by Odd Eyes Theatre. The video can be viewed on Youtube and you can read more on the Learning Community blog.

Staff, students and volunteers commented on the inspiring talk from Lena, practical tips they will implement going forward and on the hard work and dedication of the Community Action project. We wish everybody a lovely summer break and look forward to returning in September!