
ELATT is undergoing building works during the half-term break and will be closed to visitors from 28 October to 1 November inclusive.
You can contact us by phone on 07862570514 or email us as usual at hello@elatt.org.uk and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Official Brand Colours

Prioritise using these 5 over other colours.


rgb(149, 75, 151)


rgb(232, 48, 138)


rgb(239, 125, 0)


rgb(118, 184, 42)


rgb(0, 175, 169)

Secondary Brand Colours

Use sparingly, or not at all if it can be helped.


rgb(237, 21, 86)


rgba(75, 166, 221, 1)


rgb(0, 178, 116)


rgb(165, 173, 159)


rgb(250, 166, 26)


rgb(179, 122, 180)


rgba(0, 149, 176, 1)


rgba(214, 224, 69, 1)


rgba(68, 194, 207, 1)


rgba(255, 204, 50, 1)

Unofficial Brand Colours

Reserved for rare use cases. Do not use.


rgb(255, 0, 34)


rgb(105, 105, 179)


rgb(48, 102, 190)


rgb(109, 157, 197)


rgb(247, 67, 85)


rgb(68, 175, 105)


rgb(255, 191, 0)


rgb(160, 207, 211)