Maximising Your Professional Impact: A Comprehensive Guide to LinkedIn

Maximising Your Professional Impact: A Comprehensive Guide to LinkedIn In today’s digital age, LinkedIn has emerged as more than just a professional network tool; it’s an essential tool for career advancement, skill development, and personal branding. This platform is pivotal for everyone from students starting their careers to seasoned professionals looking to expand their network. […]
Digital Skills Review

Digital Skills Review ELATT Chief Executive Anthony Harmer was a member of the Steering Group of the Government’s Digital Skills Review between September 2015 and February 2016. The resulting report outlines what needs to be done to create the digital skills qualifications for the future that meet the needs of learners and employers. The review […]
Good Practice in Employer Engagement

Good Practice in Employer Engagement Read Ofsted’s Good Practice publication from October 2015 on our approach to Employer Engagement to benefit students and businesses “East London Advanced Technology Training (ELATT) provides courses in information and communication technology, primarily to help unemployed and disadvantaged people in East London gain employment. ELATT’s learning centre is in Hackney, […]
Apprenticeship Staff Support Programme

Apprenticeship Staff Support Programme Find out about the employer engagement and apprenticeship support resources we developed as part of the ETF / AELP staff development project throughout 2014 and 2015 Having worked on creating a whole organisational approach to employer engagement over a 6 month period at their respective training charities, here is the learning […]
Teach Too: Connected Careers

Teach Too: Connected Careers Learn about our project with University College London making learning curricula work Connected Careers was an opportunity for employers to deliver workshops that enabled learners to access the job market or to become successful entrepreneurs by teaching industry relevant skills. Several workshops were delivered throughout the day and we asked employers […]
Connected Practice

Connected Practice Learning from our AoC-funded project on developing a programme of peer and virtual observations Click here to visit the ‘’ page Latest Posts