Volunteer with ELATT this Volunteers’ Week 2023

Volunteer with ELATT this Volunteers’ Week 2023 Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities. This year, we at ELATT – an award-winning education charity – invite you to join us in this celebration, and perhaps inspire you to become a part […]
ELATT Sixth Form & Highway House – anti-homelessness action project

ELATT Sixth Form & Highway House – anti-homelessness action project We are so proud to share that ELATT Sixth Form students recently partnered with Highway House a church and homeless shelter in Tottenham, North London to help improve conditions for rough sleepers in London. Highway House has a number of local homeless people who often […]
Conversation Clubs Update

Conversation Clubs Update Conversation Clubs are an opportunity for ELATT’s language learners to practise their English speaking skills and develop confidence in a fun, informal environment. These clubs also give ELATT students an opportunity to become organisers themselves – contributing to the community while gaining skills and experience. Our teaching assistant students in particular find […]
Coffee morning raising money for Macmillan Cancer in the Bethel Church

Coffee morning raising money for Macmillan Cancer in the Bethel Church Two months ago on Friday 29 of September 2017 at 11 am we went to 242 Hoxton St N1. We went to a coffee morning in the church with our teacher. Because every slice of cake and cup of tea and coffee help us […]
Housing Campaign 2017

Housing Campaign 2017 Today we are writing about housing problems in Hackney. Many people are suffering with some bad conditions. People are living in damp house, and they paying high rent, gas and electricity. Some houses have water leaking from the ceiling. People need to gather to campaign to the government so that they make […]
Telco Citizens Refounding Assembly

Telco Citizens Refounding Assembly by Bayan Tuerxunbayi (Equal Voice Class) We went to York Hall and attended an Assembly on 9th March 2017. It was a fast paced, dynamic and focused meeting, full of exciting stories and as well as inspiring hope for the future. There were many facilities for food and refreshments. There were […]
Equal Voices students visit Ofgem

Equal Voices students visit Ofgem After carrying out a listening campaign this term in Hackney, our Equal Voices students found out the three main issues that people care about are: cost of fuel, housing and ESOL funding cuts. As a group they decided to focus on campaigning about the cost of fuel this term and […]
The trip to Lunar House

The trip to Lunar House (By Ning Liu) On 24 Oct, students from Elatt went to Lunar House to welcome the refugee children. These children were from the Calais ‘jungle’, they were trapped in this ‘jungle’ for years. Nearly all of them fled from their home counties which are suffering from wars. Since they arrived […]
Charity Day for the ‘Ruth Hayman Trust’

Charity Day for the ‘Ruth Hayman Trust’ By Jolanta On 15 – 06 – 2016, my college ”Elatt” did a charity day for ‘Ruth Hayman Trust’. On this day it did not rain, but was very windy. Especially on this day, I put on a black dress. I came at 11 o’clock and brought an […]
Love London, No place to hate

Love London, No place to hate Last Monday Tower Hamlets Equal Voices learners held a special end of term Eid lunch, capability workshop and launched their campaign ‘Love London, No Place to Hate’The group created and planned a special menu, cooked for local residents, raised funds for Simple Gifts and held demonstrations/capability workshops in natural […]